Website Audit
88,000.00 Rs 88,000.00 Rs 88000.0 LKR
Want to improve your website's ranking, user experience, and security? Our website audit analyzes SEO, user experience, technical aspects, and content. Identify areas for improvement and unlock your website's full potential. Schedule yours today!
Social Media Audit
88,000.00 Rs 88,000.00 Rs 88000.0 LKR
Struggling with social media? Our audit analyzes audience, content, competitors, and more to identify areas for improvement. Gain valuable data, improve content, reach your target audience, and stay ahead of the competition. Schedule yours today!
Growth Package (Social Media + Content Creation)
120,000.00 Rs 120,000.00 Rs 120000.0 LKR
Want secure online growth for your Sri Lankan brand? Our Growth Package combines strategic social media management and high-quality content creation, all while prioritizing security. Our dedicated team crafts engaging content, stays updated on platform protocols, and implements data access controls to safeguard your accounts. This ensures sustainable growth, minimizes downtime risks, and offers peace of mind. Contact us today to unlock the Growth Package!
Content Creation and Scheduling
88,000.00 Rs 88,000.00 Rs 88000.0 LKR
Drowning in social media? We can help! Our service handles content creation & scheduling across platforms. We'll collaborate with you on a data-driven strategy to craft engaging content (5 posts/week) that keeps your audience hooked. From eye-catching visuals to informative posts, we cover it all. We'll even schedule your content and track results (optional). Focus on your business, we'll manage the social media grind. Schedule a free consultation today!
Website Design and Development
150,000.00 Rs 150,000.00 Rs 150000.0 LKR
Need a professional website that converts? We design user-friendly websites tailored to your brand and target audience. Our process starts with in-depth planning to understand your goals and functionalities. Skilled designers will craft an appealing website that reflects your brand, while experienced developers bring it to life with the latest technology. We ensure your website is mobile-responsive and easy to navigate for all visitors. We can also help you develop high-quality content and integrate it seamlessly. After thorough testing and launch, we offer ongoing maintenance packages to keep your website secure and functioning optimally. Let's collaborate to build a website that fuels your business growth! Schedule a free consultation today!
Accelerator Package (Comprehensive Digital Marketing)
250,000.00 Rs 250,000.00 Rs 250000.0 LKR
Sri Lankan businesses, fasten your seatbelts! The Accelerator Package is your ultimate weapon for explosive online growth. It combines powerful social media management, secure content creation, and a comprehensive on-page SEO strategy. We'll target high-performing keywords Sri Lankan audiences use to find businesses like yours, optimize your website for search engines, and ensure mobile responsiveness - crucial for Sri Lankan SEO success. Plus, dominate search engines with targeted PPC Ads and build strong customer relationships through Sri Lankan-focused email marketing. Unleash your online potential, experience a surge in website traffic and leads, and achieve significant results in the Sri Lankan market. Contact us today for a free consultation and launch your brand into hyperdrive!
E-commerce Website Setup
250,000.00 Rs 250,000.00 Rs 250000.0 LKR
Want to sell online but overwhelmed by options? We build user-friendly e-commerce websites that showcase your products and simplify the buying process. We'll help you choose the right platform, design a captivating store, and integrate features like secure payments, inventory management, and customer accounts. Launch your dream online store and start reaching new customers today! Schedule a free consultation to discuss your e-commerce goals.